Wednesday 29 June 2011


So we have 4 bushes of lavender in flower as you enter the Club: local insects have very soon detected the perfume & are busy collecting the nectar.  Mainly bees recently, but with the occasional butterfly. (photo)

Now honeysuckle flowers have disappeared, lavender is filling the fragrance gap, as the perspiring players tend to increase their odiferous output with the temperature increase. Complaints heard have been good-natured:  we all suffer somewhat from the heat, but much prefer this climate to the rainy months we had to endure earlier this year.

Last Sunday, our small, mixed team won the series of matches for the Coupe Azuréen - details from our only Hungarian player, Lucien Zsarni: inveterate midday tennisman.  Lucien, once noted for his efficient fabrication of delicious pizzas in the local oven, has some years ago, transferred his talents to the more lucrative pursuit of selling houses.  The obvious result, has been his change of daily transport vehicle, from Deux Chevaux  to something much more ostentatious.........

Back to our luck in enjoying the skills of our current Chef, David Marais.  Enthusing members finish their appreciations by the supplication:  pourvu qu'il reste !  The answer lies within our community, in the first place: we have to support his efforts by our presence.  The more difficult problem, is publication of the excellence of this Club Restaurant to a much wider audience.  Everyone of you can help in this by passing the word to friends & acquaintances.

David asks me, at short notice,  to invite you to join a Barbecue meal this Friday evening, 1st of July, from 7.30 pm, with Buffet de Salades,  Côte de boeuf ou Loup ou Dorade,  Dessert  (25 €).
Reserve at 06 59 08 66 30 ; & do your best to be there. Here's the Chef showing his dessert for a recent Norwegian party.