Thursday, 26 May 2011


un couvert
To give you all more appetite for your Club restaurant, here are several photos of recent dishes enjoyed:

poulet riz thai

salade de sardines marinadées

poivrons farçis

dessert aux cérises


Bon appétit !


Our new Chef goes from strength to strength: here is the latest notice from his kitchen:

Le Chef vous propose deux possibilities
pour dimanche le 29 mai


Sangria à volonté


20 €


Sangria à volonté


20 €

Nombre de places limitées :
il vaut mieux réserver
06 59 08 66 30

Not to be missed!  See you there!

Wednesday, 25 May 2011


Many of you may have noticed a pleasant perfume when entering the Club recently. The plant responsible is shown in the following photo.


You may have guessed immediately that this is wild honeysuckle.  Make sure by looking more closely at the flowers.........


What elegant flowers, you might say.........  so what about a few more details.

The genus name Lonicera has no meaning in Latin apparently, but comes from the name, Adam Lonicer, or Lonitzer,  a German botanist of the 16th century.  Almost 200 species have been discovered since that time;  the common names for some of these sound more interesting: take the English 'honeysuckle' for a start. 'Honey' must refer to the sweet nectar attracting insects as food; 'suckle' is the verb describing an infant taking sustenance from its mother's breasts. So insects absorb the nectar, while of course, acting as useful pollinators from one flower to another. This is said to occur more often during the night, by nocturnal insects such as moths, & when the fragrance is more pronounced. (I leave some of my readers to verify this.)

Other common names are 'chèvre-feuille' in French, 'Geissblat' in German, 'Caprifoglio' (from the plant family) in Italian, & 'Kamperfoelie' or 'Geitenblad' in Dutch, 'Kaprifol' in Swedish.

There is another naturally-occurring plant like the one in the photos, among the many bushes surrounding the swimming pool.  We hope, incidentally that this Club facility will be available in a few weeks, considering the record-breaking temperatures we are experiencing this month of May.

In the meantime, don't miss these sunny lunchtimes on our Restaurant terrace, where our Chef,  'David-le-Grand', is rapidly making himself a reputation for excellent dishes at very reasonable prices.

A vous de jouer !

Wednesday, 11 May 2011


Last Tuesday, our Dutch group organised a get-together, in the form of a RoundRobin tournament, followed by a meal in the Club Restaurant.  The players consisted of ten ladies and ten gentlemen, who obligingly left their tennis racquets on two adjacent tables, ready for the draw. I was given the honour of selecting racquets from the two piles, to decide the initial partners ready for the fray.  Courts were allocated as the partners rejoiced in their particular luck in the draw; and the 5 battles soon commenced.

Struggles became intense, and the level of exchanges was quite impressive;  observing from nearby, I felt that players were much more concentrated than in the ritual Tuesday bouts; and that many competitors were very anxious to win a prize.

Something like 4 games were possible before the next changeover of partners occurred: this moment was announced by the ringing of a bell (or in fact by the sound of a spoon hitting a cup), and points for games won were noted down. One of the players announced before the final round that he was suffering from an undefined malaise, and asked me to play in his place; I was glad to do this, so that I had made another slight contribution to the event.

Then came the lunch - happily outside on the terrace in the beautiful weather we've been having. This was efficiently set out by the new team, and of a very good quality by all reports. We must congratulate the new cook, David, who is rapidly achieving a pleasing reputation. Let's call him David-le-Grand, perhaps, to avoid confusion with the tennis Davids.

Now this group of 40 friends come together, not only to play and eat together, but of course to talk together in their curiously-sounding language.  We others wonder how on earth they were brought up to make these astounding noises........... So we will never know how to speak like this, and will be happy in our ignorance, to hear them having such an enjoyable time together! Here are two photos:

For those who were not there, and haven't yet tried the food, here is a picture of an enticing table already set out for you!  

Bon appétit !